As a somatic life coach at Embodiwise, I embark with individuals on this transformative journey, infusing it with humor, trust, and profound introspection. Rather than providing mere temporary solace, my methodology empowers clients to foster their own growth and resilience, transcending dependence on external crutches.

Life's tumult often leads individuals to seek therapeutic guidance, yearning for direction in the midst of chaos. Confronting challenges with courage and authenticity during these pivotal moments paves the way for profound self-awareness and enduring change.

Amid life's chaos, our bodies serve as eloquent storytellers, effortlessly expressing laughter, tears, longing, flight, fight, release, and love—without the need for conscious thought. However, in our modern world, where attention often gravitates towards our thoughts, we can lose touch with the innate wisdom of our bodies.

When we engage in thinking about our feelings, it can lead to understanding, and understanding paves the way for acceptance. However, our thoughts can also become tangled in rumination, anticipation, and attempts to control emotions. We judge our feelings, anticipate how we "should" feel, and impose expectations on ourselves, which often adds to our inner turmoil.

With specialised training in somatic experiencing, we delve into the intricate interplay between the body and mind, aiding individuals in unraveling the subtle connections between physical symptoms and underlying psychological causes.

In my practice, I believe that our bodies offer clearer signals than our minds. In body-oriented sessions, we tap into the intelligence of the body and decipher its unique language. Through dialogue, somatic awareness, and bodywork, we tap into the body's innate intelligence, decoding its unique language and addressing the roots of stress where they reside: within the body, in the present moment.

What i offer


feel grounded

1h Live (only in Amsterdam)

Empowerment Journey

3 Month Coaching

TRansformational growth

6 Month Coaching

“Embrace the journey ahead with curiosity and grace. Every step you take is a part of your unfolding story.”

— Wisdom whispers

Discover how I can help you