Website Terms of use

1. About My Terms

1.1 Thank you for visiting my website (the Site). These Terms outline how you may utilize this Site.

1.2 References to the Site within these Terms include all associated web pages.

1.3 Please carefully review these Terms before using the Site.

1.4 By accessing or using the Site or indicating your consent, you agree to abide by these Terms and the documents referenced in them.

1.5 If you do not agree with or accept any of these Terms, kindly refrain from using the Site immediately.

1.6 For any inquiries about the Site, please contact me via email:

1.7 Definitions

  • Content: Refers to any text, images, video, audio, or other multimedia content, software, or information submitted to or on the Site.

  • Terms: These terms and conditions of use, updated periodically as per clause 14.

  • Acceptable Use Policy: The policy outlined at the end of these Terms.

  • Cookie Policy: The policy governing the use of cookies on the Site.

  • I, Me, or My: Raza Rifat, with registration number 83056947

  • Online Terms and Conditions for the Supply of Goods or Services: Terms applicable to ordering goods or services through the Site.

  • Privacy Policy: The policy governing the processing of any personal data collected.

  • Submission: Any content submitted by users to the Site.

  • You or Your: The person accessing or using the Site or its Content.

1.8 Your use of the Site implies compliance with my Acceptable Use Policy, Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy, and Online Terms and Conditions for the Supply of Goods or Services, where applicable.

2. Using the Site

2.1 The Site is intended for personal use only.

2.2 You are solely responsible for any costs and expenses incurred in relation to your use of the Site.

2.3 Efforts are made to ensure the accessibility of the Site. Should you encounter any difficulties, please contact me at

2.4 Access to the Site may be prevented or suspended if you fail to comply with these Terms, related terms or policies, or applicable law.

3. Ownership, Use, and Intellectual Property Rights

3.1 This Site and all intellectual property rights, including Content, are owned by me. I reserve all rights in any intellectual property associated with these Terms.

3.2 These Terms grant you no legal rights in the Site beyond those necessary for access.

4. Submitting Information to the Site

4.1 While efforts are made to ensure Site security, confidentiality of submitted information cannot be guaranteed. Hence, avoid submitting confidential or sensitive information.

4.2 Submissions may be used by me as deemed reasonable, without legal responsibility to you or others.

5. Accuracy of Information and Site Availability

5.1 While efforts are made to maintain Site accuracy and currency, no guarantee is provided. Reliance on Site information is at your own risk.

5.2 Site operation may be suspended or terminated at my discretion.

5.3 Content provided is for general informational purposes only and should not be relied upon for technical, financial, or legal advice.

5.4 While efforts are made to keep the Site available, uninterrupted access cannot be promised.

6. Hyperlinks and Third-Party Sites

The Site may contain hyperlinks or references to third-party websites. Such links are for convenience only, and I hold no control over third-party websites' content. Use of third-party sites may be subject to their own terms and conditions.

7. Acceptable Use Policy

7.1 By using the Site, you agree:

  • Not to engage in unlawful activities or activities prohibited by these Terms.

  • Not to commit fraud, distribute viruses, or engage in spamming.

  • Not to disrupt Site operation or harm minors.

  • Not to engage in unauthorized access to computers, data, or networks.

  • Not to circumvent password or authentication methods.

8. Interactive Services

Interactive services may be offered on the Site, such as comment sections. I am not obliged to monitor or moderate submissions but reserve the right to remove or edit them.

9. Submission Standards

Submissions must adhere to standards of accuracy, decency, and lawfulness. You warrant that any Submission conforms to these standards.

10. Linking and Framing

You may create links to the Site without prior consent, provided certain conditions are met. I reserve the right to request removal of any such links.

11. Using My Name and Logo

You may not use my trademarks, logos, or trade names except in accordance with these Terms.

12. Breach

In case of breach of these Terms, I may take necessary action, including termination of Site use.

13. Limitation on My Liability

Except where legal responsibility cannot be excluded, I am not liable for unforeseeable losses or business losses.

14. Variation

Changes to these Terms are valid only if agreed to in writing by me. By continuing to use the Site after changes, you agree to updated terms.

15. Disputes

Efforts will be made to resolve disputes quickly and efficiently. If court proceedings are pursued, they will be subject to the laws of the Netherlands, and Dutch courts will have jurisdiction.

These Terms outline the agreement between you and Raza Rifat regarding Site use. By using the Site, you agree to abide by these Terms.